It all started in 1972 when António Tavares d'Almeida (1948-2012), the driving force of this space, inherited, from his grandparents, three broken pocket watches. From then on, this collector searched for watches all over the country and world, aiming the restoration and increase of the collection.

In 1995 he opened his collection to the public and since then nearly 400 damaged clocks have been donated to the Museum, which through the craftsmanshiph of its master watchmakers are recovered and shown to the public. In December 2011, there was a significant growth in the collection with the opening of the Évora Complex.

Antonio Tavares d’Almeida’s son, Eugénio, the present director of the Museum, continues to dedicate himself to the Museum, in order to spread the Museu do Relógio’ s brand through partnerships, new exhibitions and with the expansion of the Friends of the Museum. Eugénio aims to increase the spirit of collectionism through exhibitions and thematic events, also enhancing the Museum's collection and memory.

António Tavares de Almeida (2005)

Eugénio Tavares de Almeida (2019)


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
2pm > 5:30pm
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
10am > 12:30pm and 2pm > 5:30pm
Total of Visits: 1206475
On-line Users: 7